Saturday, March 21, 2020


  Among several functions of central bank, monetary policy is regarded as one of the important function. Monetary policy is a policy that helps to maintain the price and interest rate at the desired level - through the management of supply of money in the economy. The level of money is managed by increasing or decreasing the supply of money by the monetary authority (i.e. central bank).

Definition and views:

According to Harry G. John:

“Monetary policy is the policy employing the central bank’s control on the supply of money as an instrument for achieving the objectives of general economic policy.”

According to G.K. Shaw:

“Monetary policy is any conscious action undertaken by central monetary authority.”

According to Edward Shapiro:

“Monetary policy is the central bank’s control over the money supply as an instrument for achieving the objectives of general economic policy.”

So, in order to achieve the macro-economic goals, the central bank formulates the monetary policy aligned with the fiscal policy of the government. In other words, the monetary policy is designed by considering the existing situation and outlook of the economy along with priorities, policies and programs of the government’s budget.

Objectives of monetary policy:

The basic objectives of monetary policy are as follows:
  • To make Price level stable
  • To achieve full employment
  • To make interest rate stable
  • To make the Exchange rate stable
  • To achieve rapid economic growth
  • To Correct the adverse BOP
  • To Induce savings
  • To Invest the savings
  • To Create and expand Financial Institution
  • To reduce economic inequality

Generally, monetary policy is divided into following two types:

Instruments of Monetary Policy:

Instruments of monetary policy represents a tool through which the central banks controls the supply of money and regulates credit creation in the nation. The main instruments of monetary policy are as follows:

A)   Quantitative / General /indirect instruments of Monetary Policy :
  • OMO (Open Market Operation)
  • Reserve Requirement/ Variation of cash reserves
  • Bank Rate /Discount Rate

B)   Qualitative / selective/ Direct instruments of Monetary Policy
  • Regulation of Margin requirement
  • Regulation of consumer credit
  • Moral suasion
  • Credit rationing
  • Publicity
  • Direct action
  • Interest Rate ceiling
  • Differential re-discounting rates
  • Differential CRR for different deposits
  • Portfolio Regulations

The central bank is established to formulate necessary monetary policies as well as foreign exchange policies - to maintain the price stability and consolidate balance of payment (BOP) for the sustainable development of country.
Nepal Rastra Bank being the central bank of Nepal, is governed by Nepal Rastra Bank Act, 2002. Since 2002/03 the central bank has been publicly issuing monetary policy.  In addition to this, the bank releases quarterly and half-yearly review of the policy. However, the necessary amendments in Nepal Rastra Bank Act, 2002 has been made and Nepal Rastra Bank Act, 2016 has been enforced by consolidating the federal structure and other environmental issues.

The new constitution of Nepal, 2015 has changed the federal structure of Nepal. The Federal, state and local governments have been formed. 

In the alignment of government budget, studying the global scenario of economic outlook, suggestions from the stakeholders - Nepal Rastra Bank frames the monetary policy to safeguard macroeconomic and financial stability, widen financial inclusion and achieve targeted economic growth.

Bloggers Note: For more details keep on visiting the blog

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